shipping gsp


Ex FMAS bod member
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I need to ship a large rock of gsp (12" and 10 pds) to Washington St. What is the best way to do it? I was thinking wrapping it in damp newspaper and then putting it in a plastic bag would work. Then put that in a styrofoam box.
Do I have to have heat packs in there? If so, where can I get a few locally?
i guess that would work. maybe 7 or 8 layers of damp newspaper. i've only ever seen frags of it sold, and somtimes the frag is just the matt of gsp - no rock. are you going to overnight it, or 2 day it?

as far as heat packs, i definitely recommend them, especially since it is going to waschington state. outdoor world off of griffin has some, but i think they are only 6-hr. i know you can order 24hr and 36 hr ones on-line, but not sure of the site. also, after opening the packs, wrapping them in paper towels helps prolong their life.
