Should I leave well enough alone?

Dingo Dog

Premium Member
I have room in my tank to add 2-3 small fish that school. I've considered Chromis but then wonder if I should leave well enough alone. Everyone gets along fine so there are no personality issues and I'm wondering if I'd regret such new additions. As far as I know, Chromis are the only small schooling fish that are non-aggressive and don't get too large.

I have 2 Maroon clowns, 1 Multicolored wrasse, 1 Strawberry dotty back and a Yellow tang. The large maroon clown and dotty back have their individual moments but not towards each other. They're just a little more aggressive and more curious than the others. As long as their Territories aren't invaded they don't complain much.

Thanks to all.
How about a single cool small fish? I think under stocking makes life so much less complicated lol. Chromis are very passive, but 3 means more bioload, more fight for territory and an increased risk of disease if u dnt QT them IMO