Should I use my Eheim 1262 on my 180?


New member
I've got an Eheim 1262... I need a return pump for my 180... I know I'm probably a bit on the lower side of flow, but I'm thinking I should be ok... On my 150 it seemed to be plenty of turnover.

Standard sump under tank and I'm using 3/4" PVC from the pump split into a pair of 3/4" returns... Even if I'm knocked down to 600gph or so, I'm still doing a little better than 3x display turnover...

Am I being cheap by not wanting to buy another pump, or is the 1262 still a good pump for a return on a 180?

Edit: As a note, I use a separate pump to drive my auxiliary needs (Remote fuge, reactors, etc)... I like for the return pump to have one job and one job only =)
+1 I love my eheim. I'd use it on my new tank as a return, but it isn't powerful enough for 800g.
The eheim will still be used but for the reactors and such.
Have one on my 210, and from the sounds of things set up the way you are planning, I am pleased with it. Will be taking down the tank for a move, and plan on setting it back up the same way.
Thanks fellas, my 1262's have performed flawlessly for me over the years... Glad the consensus is that I get to use em a bit longer!
I used a 1262 on my 180 for years before swapping it out with a fluval sp4. I didn't notice much difference after the swap.
I used a 1262 on my 180, I am switching to a Waveline DC12000 Apex for my 315. Well, I have a Jabeo DC9000 we are using for start up I picked up with a used lot I picked up and putting the 12000 on my closed loop.

I would go with an Eheim if they made something large enough for my 315 for the reliability they provide.
update? im also upgrading to a 180 and was wonder if the eheim 1262 would be strong enough with a dual return.

It's 900 GPH at 0 head. IMHO I like being up at 10x the tank volume in flow. Running a DC9000 on a 65, at 70% "throttle". DC pump recommended for more flow, and ability to fine tune the flow for sound/splashing.