Oceancowboy, thanks for the insight. The steel stand in your pics are exactly what I was shooting for when I had the maintenance guy here at work make my stand, gave him exact pictures and told him that I wanted it to look like that(pointing at the picture I gave him) BUT he decided to go about it HIS way and totally made it everything but the way I wanted it. Turned out useable but in no way shape or form the way I wanted. I was so POD I could have spit on him. I didn't have any choice but to accept what he made as it was on company time and the time and materials was approved by the maintenance engineer so I couldn't ask for him to change it or make another the way I asked as too much time was already WASTED on the one he made. Oh I was mad. So what I will have to do is use at least 2x4's to bring the width out to a useable distance that will be flush with the top of the stand and then screw or nail to the 2x4's instead of 3/4" ply like you suggested.