Yeah, I know. The ones I had a while back weren't like this, that is what I am saying. They were blue any angle you looked at them: in pictures, through glass, didnt matter. They were blue out of the water! I mean BLUE. The exact color of a blue damsel, BRIGHT BLUE. Just wondering if people have them or this was a shroom I am never going to be able to find again. All these pics people are showing me are nice, dont get me wrong, but are the typical "blues" you see. Blue from the top down, but more purple from the front or looking dead on. Again, I just want to see if someone has them, so I know this wasnt a once in a lifetime catch at a LFS.
By the way, the reason I dont have them anymore is they melted one day for no apparent reason. It started as one single polyp, spread to about 4 polyps over a few months (all equally as blue), and then only the blue ones died over the course of a week all of a sudden. Tonga reds, watermelons, the more common stuff of course, all survived and looked fine. And my blues were gone. Just wondering if they are really as rare as they seem, since I have yet to see anything like these again.