show me pics of your blue mushrooms


Active member
I had a few of these true blues a while back and have not seen them anywhere since. I saw a pic from one person on here a while back too, but just want to see who has them. I believe they come from Tonga only. These are not the "blue" mushrooms everyone sees at their LFS (the ones that are purpleish blue). These are BLUE, like the color of a blue background on most fishtanks. Lets see them!!!!!!
Is this what you are looking for? Not the best pic, sorry.

Here is the one I have. You can see it has dropped a new one in the upper left. I hope it keeps it up, I really love the color.

Nope, not yet.... They are nice, but not what I am looking for. These are solid BLUE, no purple hue, no translency anywhere. They are out there, just not that common....
I got some....Pics at home..I am at the office right now, will post later....Also, I bet Drummerreef's are really blue from the top...Looking through the glass will take alot of the blue out of the pic...Nice shroom..drummerreef..the only pic I have here at the office is this...They look purple///But if you look from the top..They are solid Duke Blue......That's why alot of people selling corals take their pics from the top....Check yours out...You can really tell a difference with clams.....
Yeah, I know. The ones I had a while back weren't like this, that is what I am saying. They were blue any angle you looked at them: in pictures, through glass, didnt matter. They were blue out of the water! I mean BLUE. The exact color of a blue damsel, BRIGHT BLUE. Just wondering if people have them or this was a shroom I am never going to be able to find again. All these pics people are showing me are nice, dont get me wrong, but are the typical "blues" you see. Blue from the top down, but more purple from the front or looking dead on. Again, I just want to see if someone has them, so I know this wasnt a once in a lifetime catch at a LFS.

By the way, the reason I dont have them anymore is they melted one day for no apparent reason. It started as one single polyp, spread to about 4 polyps over a few months (all equally as blue), and then only the blue ones died over the course of a week all of a sudden. Tonga reds, watermelons, the more common stuff of course, all survived and looked fine. And my blues were gone. Just wondering if they are really as rare as they seem, since I have yet to see anything like these again.
This one didnt do hardly anything for a long time and then all of a sudden went into reproduction overload. They are about the size of 50 cent pieces now and have gone from 1 to 7 total

These are all nice, but I guess what I am looking for is as rare as I thought as none of these are what I am talking about. Thanks for all the replies, guess these blue mushrooms I had really ARE that rare.
These are all nice, but I guess what I am looking for is as rare as I thought as none of these are what I am talking about. Thanks for all the replies, guess these blue mushrooms I had really ARE that rare.
keep in mind that lighting is relative though, and what looks more purple in pictures here might look neon blue in other tanks, and vice versa
Yeah, I got ya Miguel. You had some a few weeks back that looked as close to blue in pics as I have seen, but I missed em. Keep your eyes open for me, I check your site every week.
what kind of mushrooms are you talking about..

what kind of mushrooms are you talking about..

Dis....sp, ric, yuma.....Cause last time i checked, blue was blue....So are speaking of a different species....
what kind of mushrooms are you talking about..

what kind of mushrooms are you talking about..

Dis....sp, ric, yuma.....Cause last time i checked, blue was blue....So are speaking of a different species.... Here is one more pic of some regular blues....
These are like the ones above but change from purple to blue depending on how inflated they are. weird! Reminds me of this trendy fashion material back in the 90s...
Anguswu: Your second pic....what is that? It is absolutely beautiful.

Mine do the same Chrisstie..... my greens and pinks too.
I see your shrimpy too!