Show me your water storage container


Frag Farmer
Show me your water storage container, plumbing, pumps, etc. Trying to get an idea for my new 450-gal setup. Thanks - Bil
Just spent the last twenty minutes searching for a thread we had here with tons and tons of pictures and ideas of water storage containers and water change set ups. Couldn't find it. :(

Maybe someone else here will have more luck than myself.

EDIT: WOW! That was cool! There it is!
Twin 225 gallon tanks:

Check my home page - I think there's a table of contents which takes you to the "water handling system"

Here is mine. The one on the left is for freshwater, the one on the right is for mixing salt for water changes.
I keep both of mine filled with RODI and when I am ready to do a water change, I just add salt to the tank on the left. I have them connected at the bottom with a pump and tee so I can drain them both at the same time if I want to do a 450 gallon water change.
this is mine. Not as impressive as those already posted. The switches on the right control heat and mixing pumps. The gate valve goes to a RO spigot and hose for rinsing stuff and filling other vessels.



Nice setups. I wish I had a fish room, would be so nice. I need to build my water station in the garage sometime soon. So sick of only making 5G jugs at a time.
Here's what we did (not very innovative, but it sure does help for mixing salt water):

<a href="" title="nt 1245 by terryl93, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="332" alt="nt 1245"></a>

The auto refill float switch rig in the R/O vat:
<a href="" title="nt 2266 by terryl93, on Flickr"><img src="" width="332" height="500" alt="nt 2266"></a>

Finished product:
<a href="" title="DIY Mixing Station by terryl93, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="332" alt="DIY Mixing Station"></a>

Details can be found on page 29 of our build thread.