Show Off your prop System!

so question for people with a really large DT and fish room for hte DT do you set up your prop tank on the system or is it a stand alone tank? i would love to hear the pros and cons of both.
In my situation, since my prop tank is growth output from my display tank, I decided to keep it all on the same system.

however, if I was to mainly regularly buy/swap coral and propagate from them, then I would set up a second system, as to not create a potential issue if something was to get introduced that could affect the display tank.
In my situation, since my prop tank is growth output from my display tank, I decided to keep it all on the same system.

however, if I was to mainly regularly buy/swap coral and propagate from them, then I would set up a second system, as to not create a potential issue if something was to get introduced that could affect the display tank.

so would you say it would be best to have in essence a coral QT from other tanks then a attached grow out for your own trimmings?
independent QT set up would be better because you can keep an eye on new coral that you buy. Hopefully catching any issues before you put it in your main tank. Only draw back is $ for the QT system.
My frag tank is plumbed into my DT. However I keep an extra 20g tank running with an aquaclear filter, cheap skimmer and a couple of power heads as a QT tank. I also have a melanarus wrasse in the tank to eat any bugs or flatworms that come in. Any new corals get a dip and spend a few weeks in the QT tank before getting redipped and moved to the main system.
This is a great thread. It's fun to get all of these different ideas and implement them into a new setup.
Show Off your prop System!

Thank you its been a long time coming with lots of false starts...

Made some changes recently..

Added a glass 48x24 frag tank and a 65g tank up top to use gravity top off..

Started mounting the APEX. Hopefully will get it networked this coming weekend.

The other tubs in the picture to the right are a future addition.


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Show Off your prop System!

Made some recent changes....

Switched out the 8 bulb T5 to LED...

I know too much blue...

86'd the metal halides on the other system. Would be too much heat for the existing room A/C.


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Finally got these wet...or rather running. They have been wet several times while testing my plumbing and finding leaks...

tip.. don't use old ABS to PVC transition cement.. :headwalls:

2 x 70g tubs

75g sump

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