Show your Setups!

Here is my 180 gallon All-Glass Setup. I'm keeping 2/3 of the tank bar for a Banded Bamboo Shark.

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Calvin415, Banded Bamboo Sharks are very inactive and are bottom dwelling sharks. The tank will be fine and when it starts to reach its maximum size another larger tank will be in place to accomodate.
They are inactive and bottom dwelling sharks during the day, but are very active at night and will be bumping into everything on that back wall when it attempts to swim.
you need to adjust those skimmers, no air is being pulled into them. you also might consider ditching the hob. i'd go with a sump
Emperior911, That was a photograph taken the first day of the setup with Freshwater inside. They have been since adjusted and are doing great with no micro-bubbles. When I move up to a larger tank maybe 400 gallons I will go sump but HOB have never let me down. Thanks for the advice though.
holy hang on heaven batman lol looks like it willbe a nice setup though make sure u post more pics as its progresses
Syndrome, no some of the photographs that were taking that show the protein skimmer running were before I mixed the salt with the water and then I added live rock and sand. That is why I commented that their where no air bubbles in the protein skimmer because foam fractionization is impossible with Freshwater. I have a thread already started for my tank in the Large Reef Tank section that shows the progress.
Calvin415, I actually have 3 Puffers, 1 Rabbit Fish, 1 Blenney, 15 Turbo Snails, 1 Conch, 1 Eel and 1 shark all peacefully living together.
They won't be ok for very long. That tank has more junk on it..... Sorry to be rude but it is one thing to have a tank like that but another to irreseponsibly throw in a shark and think it's ok because the fishies is still swimm'n. Everything plugged into one power strip split 6 times???
Okay for the last time. Before every one in hear make assumptions on a setup that to be quite honest no one has even the slightest clue..... First the power strip is not split 6 time... Each strip goes into it on socket in the wall. Just because I haven't had time to hang the drip loop doesn't mean jack. Those strips are rated and surge protected for Server systems pulling way more power then a couple of fish pumps. Secondly do any of you even own sharks???? When I see photographs of your sharks and for how long you have owned them then I will start paying attention. Just because you read a book or a website on sharks doesn't mean your the guru of a particular species. That being said lets see your tanks and let other critique your setups. Just becuae you have 5 years experience with a yellow tang doesn't mean you know crap about sharks! enough said.
blakeoe, I think you need to rename this thread to something like "Give Jasonanatal advice!", and then start another one for "Show your FOWLR Setups!". That way I can see what others do for FOWLR setups, since I want to start one up too! :)