Showing off my new clams from Harbor


10 & Over Club
Just wanted to show off my new aquacultured Marshall Is. clams from Harbor Aquatics:


I got 6 in total.

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Those are some very exotic looking colours and patterns, definitely not what you see every day! How big is the large one in your picture of the 6?
Hey Leonard

Hey Leonard

Cool Clams. Especially the one on the bottom right. I just checked out Harbor's website. How did you pick your clams and why don't they list their prices? Did you get to see the exact ones you got before they shipped? Just curious. I've never heard of them before but I'm always looking for good places to get more clams! :D Thanks for any input you could provide. :)
They are just beautiful clams, I wish I could find some like that here :(
I just got back from a place called Orpheus Island on the Great Barrier Reef, the clams there were absolutely unbelievable, both in number and colour. Whole sections of rocky coastline were completely covered in brightly coloured little Tridacna crocea and maxima, it was absolutely unbelievable. I've seen quite a number of coral reefs before and never have I seen anything quite like this. Apparently, bivavle growth is so fast that the clams are laying down CaCO3 at a rate faster than they absorb they do this is not known.
Anyway, I was just venting my frustration at seeing all these brilliant things, and not being even to take a couple of the squllions that I saw, then getting home and seeing someone else with such a beautiful array!
FYI, I was at Harbor this past weekend and they have a whole tank of beauties like that.

It was my first impulse purchase, but I could not leave without a couple of them. I guess the lemonade and vodka that I had been drinking did not help my judgement either, hehehehe.

I have been trying to do a lot of research the last couple of days and I am hoping I don't end up hurting these little guys. My tank is six months old and is a 135 with two 72" vhos' (one aqua sun and one actinic). I place them on the sand, but I am thinking I should have put them up higher on the rocks?

Any info you can supply would be greatly appreciated.
Bernie said:
I place them on the sand, but I am thinking I should have put them up higher on the rocks?

Bernie, you definitely want to move them up onto the rocks and closer to the light.
Re: Hey Leonard

Re: Hey Leonard

Squidman said:
How did you pick your clams and why don't they list their prices?
Squidman, we have been working on our new website for quite some time.. rebuilding it from scratch. The new website will feature a WYSIWYG section for clams and SPS along with a full shopping cart for all products. Unfortunately, it is very difficult for us to update our old website due to some lost passwords, along with weird code, when the founder of Harbor Aquatics, Gary Meadows passed away.

I picked most of Len's clams for him based on his suggestions. The one picture, showing all six clams, in Len's post was taken by me before I shipped the clams.
When placing them on the rock, how do I place them? Do I lay them on a flat piece or somewhat wedge them in?


Thanks for the info. I will keep checking back to see your new site. When do you expect to have it up and going?
Bernie said:
When placing them on the rock, how do I place them? Do I lay them on a flat piece or somewhat wedge them in?
Flat surface as they need to attach their foot to it.
Hopefully, JT answered your questions. While I wasn't able to hand-pick my specimens, I offered a few suggestions, and obviously am very pleased with what I got. Thanks JT!
Leonard, when did they ship yours? Just curious because I was there on Sunday and I was eyeing up one very similar to one of yours, but I was told it was sold.

I will move them from the sand to the rocks tonight.
Mine shipped out Friday, so it can't be the one you were looking at.

Flame Angel, forgot to mention, the largest one is only about 3.5" They're all modestly sized.
brian111 said:
I know I saw some prices there before that big shipment came in?
Brian, I answered this in an earlier post. If there is something I need to clarify for you then please let me know. Otherwise, if you feel I am ripping people off, then I am sorry you feel this way.

We felt it better to re-code the entire website from scracth than to try and update the old format in it's place when we are missing some of the passwords and java codes from when Gary passed away. Would you rather have the old website and pics in place or an "under costruction" message? Everyone we talked to before we did this said to leave the old one in place with a message informing people, when they first enter the site, that a new format was coming.

But I guess, as mother always said, you can't please everyone all the time.
I'm not sure what all the fuss is about but I also recieved a 6-pack of maxima clams from Harbor and they are indeed nice. Jt and company strive for good customer service and it shows. Harbor Aquatics recieves an A+ from this teacher:)
What did I say wrong? Just mentioned that I saw your clam prices just before you got your new clams. Now we have to call long distance to get a price on clams.

Don't think I said anything about ripping anyone off!
