10 & Over Club
Just wanted to show off my new aquacultured Marshall Is. clams from Harbor Aquatics:
I got 6 in total.

I got 6 in total.

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Bernie said:I place them on the sand, but I am thinking I should have put them up higher on the rocks?
Squidman, we have been working on our new website for quite some time.. rebuilding it from scratch. The new website will feature a WYSIWYG section for clams and SPS along with a full shopping cart for all products. Unfortunately, it is very difficult for us to update our old website due to some lost passwords, along with weird code, when the founder of Harbor Aquatics, Gary Meadows passed away.Squidman said:How did you pick your clams and why don't they list their prices?
Flat surface as they need to attach their foot to it.Bernie said:When placing them on the rock, how do I place them? Do I lay them on a flat piece or somewhat wedge them in?
Brian, I answered this in an earlier post. If there is something I need to clarify for you then please let me know. Otherwise, if you feel I am ripping people off, then I am sorry you feel this way.brian111 said:I know I saw some prices there before that big shipment came in?