Shrimp-o-cide! Please HELP!


New member
There is something going on with my friends reef aquarium. He is relatively new to the hobby, and he has a 9 gallon Nanoreef, with a damselfish, an engineer goby, and a few VERY small frags, and some snails. His test is no ammonia, no nitrites, .25 nitrates, and the pH and salinity is normal. When he added the shrimp (after carefully acclimating it) it was dead within 5 minutes. The LFS gave him a cleaner shrimp in exchange, and the exact same thing happened. He described the shrimp as "freaking out" as soon as it hit the water. No copper, no medications or phosphates, and his snails and corals are fine. Anyone have any ideas about what might be happening? I am TOTALLY baffled.

How long was it acclimated? Shimp can reqiure a very slow/long drip acclimation if you didn't(or your friend) know.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10074935#post10074935 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MimicTang
25 nitrates!!!!!!!

You may be shocking them to death.

He said 0.25 nitrate

I would lean towards salinity shock.
Drip acclimate slowly... 1+ hour
acclimate your inverts and fish very slowley. another trick in the future a marine biologist freind of mine taught me 12 years ago is,before adding any fish (after quarantine) is to do water change in the main tank a day before to bring nitrates down. then acclimate the fish and inverts slowley. your fish might be used to the nitrates in your tank ,but the new fish and inverts are not. good luck. jakleen