shroom concern


New member
I have a small rock that is covered with blue shrooms and seems to be very healthy.

The other day one of the larger ones started to separate from the rock until just a tiny strand was keeping it attached. I went ahead and pulled it off and started to pitch it, then thought maybe that's how they propogate. The loner seems to still be living, but hasn't attached to anything else.

Is this normal? Will the loner just wither away eventually?
Good call on not throwing it out. From my experience it seems when the shrooms get too crowded on a rock the top will pinch off, float somewhere else and reattach within 1-3 weeks, I haven't found a good way to encourage this to happen sooner. The foot which usually is still attached to the original rock will grow into a new shroom. Good luck on spreading your shroom fortune.
Thanks for the response. The rock is really crowded, and I wondered when these guys would start propogating elsewhere.

The loner did attach itself to another piece of LR and seems happy in his less crowded new home.