Shroom ID


New member
I got these shrooms yesterday, there were 3 one ripped in half so now I only really have 2 left they were pricey, $35. Are they worth it? what are they? The are pretty big, orange and green, and an interesting texture.



i think its called "Green Pacific Giant Frilly Mushroom Anemone, Rhodactis sp."
i think its a fair price for 3 polyps rock
where's the ripped one? i bet it will grow back, good luck

heres the tread and look if its the same.

Green Pacific Giant Frilly Mushroom Anemone, Rhodactis sp.
fuzzy mushroom

fuzzy mushroom

hey all, I was reading your posts & I've got a? I had 2 of these & now there are 4. there on a small rock & i was wondering about moving them to larger rock. any suggestions? the spot i can move them to is shadey. right know in front of tank on bottom under t5s