shroom question about reproducing


New member
well im a tad stumped here to say the least, i heard mushrooms in general can grow out of control and take over your take pretty fast. i've had a mushroom now on a rock for atleast 3 months now and there is only 1 still. i was hoping the mushrooms would cover up the rock soon. its a huge shroom probably about 2-3" across....

do i need to chop it up with a razorblade or something? during the day its like almost totally flat soaking up rays and at night it shrivels up a something wrong?
Nope, that sounds about right. I don't find that mushrooms divide like Zoas do. If you start off with a group they will get bigger, but if you have only one, well you notice it. Definitely if your conditions are great for muchrooms, some will reproduce like crazy, but I don't think that is the norm, not that I have seen in anyones tanks including my own. What most people I know of have noticed is that it takes a long time for a single one to get a few babies, but once you get a small group, they reproduce faster. My Fl Rics divide faster than my regular old Schrooms do.

What kind of mushroom is it? My buddy gave me a few green mushrooms out of his tank when we set mine up, and my last count was six, so they've doubled up in two months... Just wait it out a little bit, it will happen eventually, but like curekar said, once you get a small cluster, they'll reproduce faster.
Pretty similar to Zoas, they expand their foot and differentiate a new polyp out the side, alternatively they will move and leave behind small pieces of tissue, these little pieces will grow into polyps. Some of the larger mushrooms like Rhodactis and Ricordeas will rip apart and split into two.
It really depends on the mushroom too. I have some green discomas with white stripes that have multiplied. One dropped three babies as it moved around then just stopped. I have some red discomas that I literally just dropped in my tank (they were not attached to anything) and they went all all over in the cracks and what not. I put about ten in there. Some of them that rooted in have already dropped 3-4 babies. I'm going to have a problem with them because once the babies get to size and drop their offspring I'm going to have hundreds.

Be patient and let it live healthy. It will split when it needs to. Unless you want to frag it then by all means, grab a blade and go to town.
If you want it to reproduce just take a razor blade and slice the mushroom through the middle. It will heal back so you may have to do it again, but then it should split into two. This has worked well for me on mushrooms bent on not splitting or spreading.
i looked at the mushroom last nite and ends up it looks like the foot is moving i thought it was just detaching so hopefully its gonna split on its on soon

and dang i forgot about this thread lol