Sick Acro


New member
So my brother moved and of course he moved his tank as well. Unfortunately the move wasnt as smooth as he hoped and of course he doesnt have his RO setup or ATO setup. So in translation his tank has become unstable. Salinity/ph for just what I can see as his ATO isnt setup and his Refugium isnt properly running. So here comes the hard part. He has a red Acro, unknown what specific type and its obviously dieing as the flesh is peeling off and showing the bone white skeleton underneath. I would estimate 40% dead. Is it possible for it to come back? I acclimated it under very slow conditions and with my tank being stable and in great parameters obviously. Just wondering if its possible if it would live given the chance of stability for it to prosper. Better to try and fail then do nothing and watch it die. What is everyone's thoughts on this?
sounds like it is rtn, which is where the flesh falls off of the skeleton. How big is the acro? it is possible for it to survive. Usually the best bet is to frag off the rtn parts, and allow the good tissue to heal. It is slightly possible for it to survive without fragging, but odds are that it will not make it. :(
Snip off the dead tissue, give it a dip in something like Revive and re-transfer. Hopefully the frag will recover. These things happen and you just do what you can and hope for the best.
so far so good, i havent clipped it or nothing, the polyps come out at night. to scared to touch it just set it and left it. no more tissue lost that i can tell