Next time u worry about an alk spike or too much calcium , to little of this and that. This happens in the wild when tide is out WOW
Great pic !!! I have seen a few pics like that before.
I am trying to get the club to manage a trip to the south pacific. What do you all think???
I am taking my 10 year old son and wife up to the shuttle launch in March. We have tickets to the visitor center. Is there any secrets or such that I need to know I think there is also a rocket launching the same day. So hope at least one out of two goes.
to dive there would be AMAZING... unfortunately with the wedding this july and finding a career after graduation i wont be up for a trip like that for 3 or 4 years... lol
I have started the ball rolling Andy. You are about the 5th person to express interest. Tony Vargas said that they have boats that hold 12-16, I think it was.
I am going to pursue this. It may take a little time but thats ok
I would need to know more information but i am interested. I think that would be a cooler trip than going to MACNA. Perhaps I will skip one to go to another.
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