Premium Member
Thanks for the write up, Henry. I have a S. doliatus that's been a great addition to my tank. The LFS told me he came from Tonga. He's a handsome fish, mild mannered, and the best algae grazer I've ever had. He doesn't mess with tankmates at all; he lives with a Black cap basslet, two ocelaris clownfish, and a neon goby. In a short time he has stripped my tank of feather and grape caulerpa, he also enjoys diatoms. He has not harmed a single invertebrate, nor is he interested in the large black sponge that grows in my tank. I like this fish and I think he likes me. He's been in there for just a month and already feeds from my hand. Look out for those spines!
Now a question. I've been seeing various Siganus siganus species with increased frequency in stores. ($15-30) They all seem to have a cataract-like whitish glazing over the eye yet they seem otherwise healthy. Do you know why this is? Are they this way in the wild?
Thanks again!
Now a question. I've been seeing various Siganus siganus species with increased frequency in stores. ($15-30) They all seem to have a cataract-like whitish glazing over the eye yet they seem otherwise healthy. Do you know why this is? Are they this way in the wild?
Thanks again!