sink hole


Premium Member
Ok Ive seen these before in my tank....holes is about 2" round
dont look like anything is in it....Have any clue.????
it inside is very smooth,,,,looks like little tunnels in alll directiions inside
ive watch for about an hour and nothing came out yet
That is neat never seen it before, the sand is a lot thinner from the surrounding provably all the way from the bottom glass.
If you haven't seen anything come out of the hole I suspect it is a nocturnal creature.

It's Friday night.
Pull up a chair, have a red lens flashlight on hand, lots of beer or alcholic beverage of your choosing and camp out for the night. I'd bet you'll know by morning what made it.
  1. wasp nest
  2. cooling tower for a nuclear reactor
  3. vent leading to the Morlocks' underground Eloi processing plant
  4. OK, I have no idea, probably some kind of tube worm :D

    I like coralfragger's idea though, make a night of it. Try offering it some pretzels. Oh that's right, they'd float.
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I've seen those on the grass flats... still not sure what made them. Taggin along, waiting for an answer!
my guess is either the energizer bunny or the chupacabra!
Brian you better get some video footage of this creature, taggin along too
Im off to work now.....just checked with the flashlight still nothing in the hole.....will post back in the morning
It's an egg mass from some type of gastropod. We covered in it in one of my marine bio classes, but I don't remember for sure which one. If I remember, I'll post
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11979415#post11979415 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by d9sccr
It's an egg mass from some type of gastropod. We covered in it in one of my marine bio classes, but I don't remember for sure which one. If I remember, I'll post

LOL time to dig through the old textbooks...quick figure this out alot of people want to know lol
It was a field course...we found it and the prof told us what it was...didn't read about it..sorry
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11979415#post11979415 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by d9sccr
It's an egg mass from some type of gastropod. We covered in it in one of my marine bio classes, but I don't remember for sure which one. If I remember, I'll post

I'm betting on the chupacabra.
"choupakabrious dondilakis" or hole maker, known for the round egg mass holes it builds before the feeding frenzies , feeds mainly on SPS and LPS corals.