Siporax, low nitrates and high phosphates.

itz frank

Gives Bad Advice.
So, my display is a 130 gallon with approx 30 gallon sump. I'm running two litre of siporaX. I added Anthias just after thanks giving and I started noticing my validas were unhappy. Today, unnoticed a decrease in alk consumption. So I ran some tests. Nitrates are under 4 if not zero. Phosphates were .58! Cyano has been increasing. I have doubled my feedings for the new fish.

What's going to be my best course of action? I don't run gfo or any carbon.

I'm simply skimmer and siporax. That's all. Sps dominated reef. Colors are very good. Again, only concern was that alk consumption has dropped.

Do I dose nitrate? Run gfo? Start carbon dosing?

I've run probidio when I started up the tank as was happy with it. I could return to that as well.

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Looks like you will need to run some GFO. Take it slow, you don't want to strip it down to 0 too fast. You can try and use poly filter pads to lower phosphates. Just keep testing to monitor the drop.
Find out where the phosphates are coming from. Make sure your rodi water is made up properly for a start and go from there.
Find out where the phosphates are coming from. Make sure your rodi water is made up properly for a start and go from there.

I'll test my RODI tonight but I've been running 0ppm from it. I did start feeding more because I introduced Anthias. And the cyano started a few weeks after. So I believe it's from feeding.

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You will need some nitrate for carbon dosing to work.

GFO or Aluminum Oxide is a good place to start...SLOWLY.

You can always have enough nutrients for cyano, so just get in the habit of sucking it out. If you will starve the cyano, you will starve the dinos in the coral.