Sixline wrasse

I had one in a 29 gallon. Every fish I added afterward he tortured to death, but he left the clowns alone that were already in the tank. I've heard if you get one to add it last.
I ended up removing the six line and it was no easy task. However it was one of my favorites before that. Great personality and really beautiful to watch move around the tank.
Meanest fish I have ever had in 26 years, but a lot of folks say ok. I never tried after my initial experience in the mid 90's.

I've had a few. If underfed they will eat shrimp. Otherwise I didn't have any problem with them. All wrasses like to jump so need netting on open water.
had one in the past. Was friendly for a while then one day turned into a a-hole. Pulled him out few days later.
Has to be the last fish added. If u ever plan to add anything else later on don't get a 6 line. Look into melanaris wrasse instead.
I had a six line in my display thank god he jumped into the overflow I thought he was in my display forever he resides in the frag tank ..think about it for awhile he's the only wrasse you can have in the tank I would choose something different maybe a wrasse who you can add other wrasses with.