Size tank for a dwarf octo?


Active member
Looking to get a small tank set-up for just an octo. It could be up to 40 gallons, but no bigger. What do you all suggest, and what kind of octo for a smaller tank?
For 40 gallons... Abdopus aculeatus or a group of Octopus mercatoris.

Abdopus isn't technically a dwarf, but it stays relatively small. O. mercatoris is a dwarf at a fraction of the size of Abdopus.

Abdopus is diurnal, active throughout the daylight hours. O. mercatoris is strictly nocturnal.

Just make sure you have a really good skimmer rated for about 3x the tank size and keep a regular water change routine.
You think the tank setup is expensive... try the food bill... or better yet, the food bill for a tank of babies! :O
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13111123#post13111123 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gholland
You think the tank setup is expensive... try the food bill... or better yet, the food bill for a tank of babies! :O

i feed mine free by making friends with all the local seafood purveyors, they save the fresh dead clams and mussels and freeze them for me, i make pick ups once a week or so