skeleton showing on colony


New member
I just brought home a colony from a lfs...and noticed some of the skeleton showing in the very middle of the colony...the stock I guess you would call it...:( Should I let it try to grow back...or is this needing to be fragged...or is it normal and a good purchase.

I'm mostly experienced with not sure on this one

I can get pix up later... I just got it in the tank this morning and had to bone out to work...I didn't ask what type of sps it looks like some kind of acro, its dark green and blue. I got it at fw and didn't want to post this on fish heads...I didn't want him to think I wasn't happy with it...cause I'm totally happy with it...just wanting to know what to do

I'll try to get pix on here when I get home tonight
here is a pic

It looks like some tissue as died. Watch for further recession and give it good flow and light. If it spreads it would probably be best to frag it.