Premium Member
I have a 180g mixed reef with a 30g sump and it's time for a new skimmer. I've been using a 7 year old Euro Reef and its just not keeping up with my heavy bio load. I do have lots of fish, and I need a skimmer good enough to keep nitrates at 0. Presently, nitrates are at 40-60 with me doing 30g water changes twice a week.
I've narrowed it down to 2 skimmers that will fit in my sump, but I don't know much about them. I'm leaning towards the vertex but I'm afraid that may be overkill. Will you please help me decide? Thanks!
Gen II Vertex Internal Pinwheel Skimmer 280
IN-280 16.5" x 11.5" 24.5" 10" 1140lph @ 56w Up to 280 Gallons
Super Reef Octopus 5000sss Internal
Includes Bubble Blaster HY5000 pump inside chamber
Rated up to gal. Air intake: scfh
Dimensions: 13" x 11" x 25"
10" Diameter
I've narrowed it down to 2 skimmers that will fit in my sump, but I don't know much about them. I'm leaning towards the vertex but I'm afraid that may be overkill. Will you please help me decide? Thanks!
Gen II Vertex Internal Pinwheel Skimmer 280
IN-280 16.5" x 11.5" 24.5" 10" 1140lph @ 56w Up to 280 Gallons
Super Reef Octopus 5000sss Internal
Includes Bubble Blaster HY5000 pump inside chamber
Rated up to gal. Air intake: scfh
Dimensions: 13" x 11" x 25"
10" Diameter