Skimmer Help Please


New member
Where is the bubble level and water level supost to be in the skimmer? Here is a pic of it running, i have the little "white adjust valve thing" off the air tube in the pic. When i put the white thing back on the airline tube the bubbles start overflowing the top, i have tried adjusting it alot, but i really don't know where the levels are supost to be so it doesn't really do me to much good. (BTW if you haven't noticed this is my fist skimmer :D )

With the air line connected adjust the water level as low as it will go until the skimer breaks in. Then you can fine tune and re adjust the skimmers water level.
Normally the waterlevel should bein the middle of the neck of the skimmer. The break in can take a few hours to a day or two. Play with it every now and then until it settles down.
At the top of the water column you will see that the bubbles begin to get large. These large bubbles should be about 1"-2" below the top of the skimmer. Depending on what type of skimmate you want will come into play. The closer the big bubbles are to the top, the wetter the foam. I prefer mine pretty wet. The sound dampener is not necessary. IMO it usually reduces the amount of air as well.
Is the sound dampener the little white thing at the end of the airline tube? Oh and waht exactly is the "neck" of the skimmer? I really don't mean to sound dumb lol