Skimmer question, NOT WHICH ONE IS BEST!!!


Premium Member
Hopefully this will grab your attention and your effort for a answer.

I currently have a bubble king 300 skimmer and am happy with it. It runs a 700 total gal system.

The tank has a 10" x 20" perforated overflow box to feed the sump. I feel this box is not skimming the surface well enough. When I feed the tank and the oils from the food goes to the surface it just does not just slip across the skimmer to the sump. I seems to swirl around the center of the tank. This example is used to consider the entire movement to the sump possibly the design to mover water to the sump is flawed.

2. I have a internal sump skimmer. I extended the exhaust pipes to the the next chamber in the sump in order to minimize reskimming water. I was wondering if there is a better way to introduce all the open loop water to the skimmer: like 100%

The Goal: would be to quickly skim the surface and introduce 100% of the water to the BK. and remove all the proteins.

I feed the main tank with a hammerhead choked back a bit just to cut down on noise, I realize increasing would help.

One possible idea is to remove one of the tongs on the top of the skimmer box to force more water faster through one area but did not want to destroy the skimmer box if this was a stupid idea.

Thanks in advance.


Hobby Experience
you may want to add/ redirect some flow to the surface for increased agitation/ movement...