skimmer Recommendations ?

bear 01

New member
I have a 450 g total sys (300 g show tank )that I want to grow SPS+Angelfish

I have to decide which skimmer to use

which one do you recommend ?
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Jeff at Lifereef can set you up with a more than capable VS3-72" series skimmer. This skimmer has been tested against needlwheels such as Deltecs, ASM, Becketts, as well as the Reeflo series and has come out on top for pulling out the most sludge. These skimmers use a Mazzei injector that provides the best size of bubbles for ultimate in skimming effieciency. People that have used Deltec and other needlwheels as well as becaketts go back to Lifereef because there the best skimmers around. Especially for your large sized system. They don't just pull out green tea either like needlewheels do, they pull out black gunk, and I mean black!

Skipping the obvious challenge of SPS with Angelfish for now.... I like the RK10AC from RK2. I believe that size matters. To me, that means big chamber volume and maximum height to provide maximum contact time.

My current skimmer is a 4 pump 12"D x 6'H needle wheel skimmer.
Skipping the obvious challenge of SPS with Angelfish for now.... I like the RK10AC from RK2. I believe that size matters. To me, that means big chamber volume and maximum height to provide maximum contact time.

My current skimmer is a 4 pump 12"D x 6'H needle wheel skimmer.

RK2 is a big skimmer as well. Thats a good choice as well for your system. Needlewheels just can't cut it and keep up with large systems such as yours. :lolspin:

I think your reasoning is quite flawed, Marc. There are many, many reefers with huge systems in excess of 1000 gallons that run needlewheels. Many of these tanks are outstanding.

To make a blanket statement like "Needlewheels just can't cut it and keep up with large systems such as yours", without backing it up with facts is just ignorant. Most folks tend to defend their purchases (yours being Lifereef), however, be careful not to negate the many successful reefs using newer technology than the simple venturi. In fact, if you were to poll the membership here as to the best method of skimming, the needlewheel would probably be the hands down winner.

I've had a few Lifereef skimmers in the past and I really liked them, but I think their largest size skimmer (VS3-72) would be grossly insufficient for a volume of water greater than 500 gallons. Sure, it would work, but with a larger skimmer you would have better control and increased skimmate.
is the RK10AC from RK2 mor suitable then Bubble King 250 intern DeLuxe ?

budget a side what is the best skimmer on the market ?
I had a LifeReef, which has been demoted to an ozone reactor. It was replaced on my 350 gal system with an SWC 250 askoll. Let me tell ya brutha, there is absolutely NO comparison. The SWC dusted the LifeReef in every aspect, including effciency.
is the RK10AC from RK2 mor suitable then Bubble King 250 intern DeLuxe ?

budget a side what is the best skimmer on the market ?

I don't know what each of those skimmers cost. I suspect the RK10 might cost more. The RK10 is 10"D x 83" tall and would be able to process much larger tank volume than the BK250. I don't know offhand how large the BK250 chamber is...but it would be significantly smaller.

If you wanted to flow 600gph (about 2x tank per hour) through your skimmer, think about the amount of time the air/water come into contact with each other if the chamber size is small. That, IMHO, is why size matters.
If you went Bubble King, I would recommend AT LEAST a 300!

I've got a Deltec 902 on my 450 gallon system w/ SPS and Angelfish and I LOVE it. If I upgrade, it will most likely be to a larger Deltec. They have some new models out now that are lookin very good.

I also agree that size does matter when talking about big tanks...
I think your reasoning is quite flawed, Marc. There are many, many reefers with huge systems in excess of 1000 gallons that run needlewheels. Many of these tanks are outstanding.

To make a blanket statement like "Needlewheels just can't cut it and keep up with large systems such as yours", without backing it up with facts is just ignorant. Most folks tend to defend their purchases (yours being Lifereef), however, be careful not to negate the many successful reefs using newer technology than the simple venturi. In fact, if you were to poll the membership here as to the best method of skimming, the needlewheel would probably be the hands down winner.

I've had a few Lifereef skimmers in the past and I really liked them, but I think their largest size skimmer (VS3-72) would be grossly insufficient for a volume of water greater than 500 gallons. Sure, it would work, but with a larger skimmer you would have better control and increased skimmate.

Oh no it looks like I touched a nerve...:fun5::sad2:

I have done skimming tests on my own setup, I have used an ETSS 1400 which is a good skimmer as well and is greatly more efficient than a needlewheel for a large system. Needlewheels have always seemed to pull out green tea while my Lifereef pulls out black gunk full of hydrogen sulfide. So if that is not "efficient" enough for you then oh well. I have also tried a Reeflo skimmer and a Deltec and receive the same results. It takes twice as long to collect the amount of waste that my LIfereef VS3 skimmer can collect in less time. I also use mine with Ozone. Can you use ozone with a deltec? No because deltec uses Extruded Acrylic that would degrade and fail. Deltec does not even use Cell Cast Acrylic. So why are they so damn expensive if they use only extruded acrylic??? Thats the million dollar question I have. Trust me, IMHO I have used Needlewheels and they all sucked. I hated them with a passion. They had various problems with there venturis clogging up with salt and the constant tweeking drove me mad. With my Lifereef venturi skimmer, the skimmer comes with a CVC, "Constant Venturi Cleansing" so the venturi does not clog with salt ever! I never have had to clean it, ever. My LIfereef is a proffesional skimmer and am in the works of building a 10 inch diameter version with Kynar injectors. :rollface:

That 10" version with the kynar injector sounds sweet!

Yeah and when everything is said and done it will be less than a grand to build. It takes a lot of planning, but the end result should speak for itself. I will post pics in a couple months.

Not trying to start any problems but my experience with lifereef matches tufacody. I had one on my 120 and it was ok, but when I replaced it with a bubble master the bubble master blew the lifereef away. The lifereef skimmers are built great for sure but ime the nw, or mesh wheel in this case, worked way better. But to each his own..
I respect that, it's like the Chevy, Ford thing. We all have our opinions of what is the best and we should stick to what ever we know is true. I know what is the best for me, and I'm sure you know what is the best for you...
I respect that, it's like the Chevy, Ford thing. We all have our opinions of what is the best and we should stick to what ever we know is true. I know what is the best for me, and I'm sure you know what is the best for you...

Well said :thumbsup:.
people sweat skimmers too much imo. the technology used to make bubbles, how much water it processes per hour, contact time, etc. is far less important to me than how easy it is to clean, how often i need to replace or tinker with pumps, etc..

but that's me. and i'm really lazy..