Skimmer & Refugium in SPS Dominant System


New member
Hello friends,

I'm in the process of setting up an SPS dominant tank. It is a 350 liter system. I have a tremendous amount of flow using several MP40s and I have MP10s on the bare bottom to keep waste suspended so it can be removed by the filtration system. The system is unlikely to see corals for several more months, but I am stuck on my last bit of filtration.

I currently have a skimmer that is rated for 1200 liters. I would argue that's a bit large for this system until my bioload gets heavier. I did do some research and was interested in having a refugium too. The issue is my sump can only accommodate one.

If I were to go the refugium route, I would purchase a Kessil H380 with Chaeto. The high PAR output on this light should be more than enough to compete with the lights from my display and keep algae in the display at a bare minimum. I enjoy the benefits of a refugium since it provides for pods and can help prevent pH swings at night. The sump space could provide a refugium that is 50 liters (about 15% of the system volume).

If I were to go the skimmer route I would just keep my current skimmer and maybe have a reactor for GFO on standby if algae becomes an issue. I'd probably pick up a ppb Hanna checker and use this as a means for determining when phosphate is too high.

What would you all recommend? Clearly the refugium is the more expensive option, but it may be worth it and it would certainly be a fun experiment to see how SPS get along without a skimmer. But a simple setup with a skimmer and consistent maintenance schedule is a proven path to success and would be much cheaper since I already have everything I need.

Please share your thoughts with me.


if your only desire from the fuge is nutrient export (e.g. not worried about a place to cultivate pods), then i would go with the skimmer and the reactor.

fuge's are good at helping remove NPK in dissolved form from the water, but i don't think they do much to get rid of the other dissolved organics.

having a skimmer will give you more oxygenation, which is good, and a mechanical way to remove more than just NPK from the water. the addition of a reactor with this would at least help with the K portion.
I know some people have success skimmerless, but I don’t know if I’d personally be comfortable not having one. If it were me, I’d go with the skimmer, and if it turns out you needed more nutrient export, you could maybe look into adding an algae scrubber in place of a fuge?
Needs are dependent on what you have in the tank and how much NO3 and PO4 you produce.

I have 18 fish in a 180 G tank with a lot of SPS. I feed heavy, particularly Nori for my tangs and an Angel.

I have Simmer, GFO, ATS and dose vinegar/vodka

I prefer an ATS over a refugium.