Skimmer Research Help


New member
Greetings everyone. I'm in the process of designing a 240 gallon in-wall aquarium setup. I'm curious to know what you people recommend to use as a skimmer for a tank this size + sump and refugium. A friend of mine is very happy with his Aqua C EV system. How do you feel about the Aqua C EV products?

If you have a reef tank that is similar in size to the one I'm designing, please tell me what skimmer you use and how satisfied with it you are. Thanks
I have the ETSS 800 skimmer on my tank. Its only a 125 gallon but its recommended for 200-400gallon tanks. It works great!! Heres a link:

Its a little more money than say an asm or aqua c but its a nice quality skimmer. Its my only experience in a skimmer so I cant really tell you much about the others.

Asm G6.

superb skimmer, low cost. Only drawback, it does create heat....but thats easily solved. Have it modified to be recirculating. Feed it from the overflow and have it out of water above the sump.

In winter, lower it into sump to keep tank warm.

Ok I'll look into that Asm G6 as welll but not sure how to mod it :) Another thing I can look into though.

Any other suggestions?
The Euro Reefs are nice, along with the ASM, but I really like the MRC beckett style skimmers

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I have a 240 with soon to be 55 refuge. and I just got a Aqua C EV 400 W/ mag 24. should be here in a few dayz I 'll let you know how it works out.
I was all so looking at the ASM G6 also the G4X might do it too.