

New member
Hey all. I have a 55gal reef with about a 15gal sump. I am looking at getting a differnt skimmer and would like some advice. The one I have now works pretty well but leaks. I need one that hangs on my sump as I don't have a large compartment for it to sit in. only about 6" wide in the collection section. My fuge and return pumps take the other two sections. So let me know what skimmers are good and will not break the bank. And advice on where to get them would be nice also. Thanks all!!!
I've heard good things about the coralife super skimmer and they do not seem too expensive, I use a Aqua C Urchin Pro (in sump but small footprint) that has done a great job for me for over a year.
I would also recommend the Coralife Superskimmer. Get the largest size and it should work well.
I second the Remora/Remora Pro. I'd look for a used Pro w/ Mag 3 as a new one will set ya back about $225.
I do not recommend the Remora w/ MJ1200. I had one for over a year and I replaced it with a Coralife Superskimmer 65. The CSS65 outperformed the Remora by a longshot. It was also less than half the cost. I am not complaining about all AquaC products, just the standard Remora. I use an EV150 right now and love it.