
Nice one, Matt. The first one doubles as a Marguarita machine, but I like the fact that the 2nd one will remove mammalia from your tank water. :D

IMO this is the best skimmer.

2L Coke Bottle Skimmer
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Answer these questions, and I think you'll find these jokesters become a lot more helpful...

1. Do you want hang on the back, or in sump.
2. What size tank
3. What is your bioload, ie... what kind of fish, how many, how big... be sure to include anything you want to get in the future.
4. Do you feed heavily?
5. Do you keep delicate corals, because if you do, you'll want a better skimmer to deal with any overfeedings, or deaths.
6. What is your actual budget? Remember, a skimmer is a really important piece of equipment. Don't skimp now. You WILL be sorry, someday. Putting a seaclown on a 250 g tank is a recipe for disaster.
7. NEW only or will you consider USED? If you consider Used, you can get more skimmer for your money, and someone here will probably have one for sale.

Without knowing what you have or want, my initial suggestions (from my own exhaustive research) on cheaper skimmers is this:

Hang on the back, Octopus 100 or 200. Look in the filtration forum (lighting and filtration) There is a 50+ page discussion on this skimmer. Seems to blow the remora pro out of the water. Plus, the 100 is only around 120 shipped (eco reef sells them for 130, and you have a local guy to help with any problems. They stand behind the stuff they sell)

In Sump, an ASM G-3 can't be beat for the money. Once again, I don't know what size tank you have, but if it's like 200 gallons, forget what I've said above.

Let us know what you have, post some pics, and most of all, WELCOME!!!!
Good advice from Ludwig'. Check around in this forum, there are often good deals on skimmers. And whatever you do, DO NOT get a Coralife Super Skimmer. It seems like every LFS sells them, and the price is attractive, but you'll regret it.
i've seen a lot of people very happy with the asm series skimmers that were very happy.

I've also read online that the octopus skimmers are really good for the price.

you can also mod both skimmers a little to have them performing like a $500 skimmer. only read this online though. haven't actually done it.
I personally am not a fan of the ASMs. I've just never seen one be as consistent or thickly producing as a EuroReef, Octopus, or DAS. Those DAS skimmers are sick. After seeing the sludge that matt's pulls out with having just a pencil diameter (really small, 4-6" or something like that) I can't even imagine how well those pumps on them work.

I would buy Matt's old Octopus if it's still for sale, and just do a recirc mod on it, and it'll skim the living crap out of your tank. Even stock it would be great.

I would even suggest the skimmer that I've got, the Euro-Reef 8-2, which can be had for under $300 in the used forums. Mine skims disgusting black skimmate and fills the cup in a week. 8" diameter tube to boot.
I am not an ASM fan either. After working at reef's edge and dealing with them everyday I would rather go for a used euro-reef, gasmans used deltec, octopus, or a DAS. The etss on the other hand kick ***!


ASM are just the best skimmer for that money go and make a search here NOT on FMAS on the equipment forum and u will see what people think about asm in the other hand gasman059 say he got a deltec for less u should consider that one deltec is deltec :)