Slimer placement


New member
is this slimer placed too low in the tank?

What type of lighting do you have on the tank? I need to know to help answer your question. Basically Slimer, Rugosa and Millipora Acropora are a more hardy species and can live with 150watt and up metal halides with brisk water movement. As long as the color doesn't start to fade, you will be alright with the placement of that particular type of beautiful Acropora!
it is under a 175 watt halide (almost directly under it.. besides the depth)

and it has pretty good flow. there is a MJ 1200 hidden behind that big rock that is on a wave maker. the MJ is pointed at the left glass side. so when it comes on, there is a good ammount of flow. it comes on about 5 times a minute.

It should do fine then. I have a blue Millipora Acro that is positioned the same way with a 175watt metal halide and is gowing and hasn't lost any color!!!! I love Slimer and am hoping my lps will be able to get me some as it is fairly difficult to find.
i got this 6 inch piece from a fellow reefers colony. his colony is about the size of a 29 gallon tank !

thanks for your help
Sweet...Nice tank. The one thing that I've noticed is your tank is alot like mine in some respect in that we have alot of live rock. Research from guys like Delbeek and Sprung and Eric Borneman suggest that less live rock is better with more emphasis placed on a deeper sand bed for better results! When I upgrade to my 125 gallon tank, I am cutting down on the live rock by half and establishing a 4-6" deep sand bed instead.