Slimy clam


Active member
I have had a maxima for about 8 months, and it has produced copious amounts of slime for most of that time. Also, although given the opportunity, it has not attached. I hadn't worried about it that much since the clam looked good, but recently I went to a reefstore with a lot of clams and noticed theirs looked much healthier, more fully opened. Suggestions?
Hi Dan-
Clams produce mucus from their byssus for several reasons primarily irritation. Check the clam for parasites. Also move the clam to an area of direct light away from other corals(downcurrent from soft corals especially sarcophyton). Heavily fed clams also seem to produce mucus.
Hey Adam,
Thanks, I'll give those things a shot. Any idea why a clam wouldn't attach? Could the byssus be damaged in some way?
Some clams that are wild harvested do have byssus damage and occasionally have a fragment of rock pulled up into the gland itself. If it is farmed the causes could be that it is unhappy in that location. Adam
mine does the EXACT same thing!!! it is a slimy b-astard. everyday there is slime comming from by the bysal gland that causes the sand to be sort of caught in it and floating.

i have NO IDEA WHY!!! i have NOT seen ANY parasites or anything pick on it. it looks HEALTHY and has attached to the shell i laid it in. only thing is that it is NOT toally covered up w/ sand (the the gland and underside) and i am wondering if that is what he wants to feel more safe?? any ideas?

i feed my tank 2x's daily (the fish) w/ a homemade food. i usually try to feed DT's about every other or every 3rd day and cyclopeeze about 1time every 1-2wks. i skim very aggressively though.

you can see a little bit of the slime in this is more on the back side that you can't see. it extends FULLY and looks amazingly healthy.

another pic of it.

sorry for hijakcing the thread but i need some suggestions on what is up

My crocea produces snot like a champ. I have him sitting in a big shell so he doesn't attach to anything I can't move and when I blow the shell out with a turkey baster a ball of snot always comes out. He will produce a ball of snot about the size of a ping pong ball.
Only the crocea does it. My maximas and dersas don't.
I think it's just a crocea thing.
Here's a picture of a partially disloged booger for you! I need one of those snot suckers that moms have for babies!
Clams, especially T. crocea secrete an acidic substance from the byssal opening. It is used to soften up the rock so they can bore in deeper. The slime you see is most likely the leftovers or reaction taking place between the clams acid and your sand or rock.

Unfortunately, my dreaded rogers website exceeded its monthly bandwidth for this month (300megs). It'll reset next month.

In the near future, I'm going to find a new provider with much much more bandwidth for new images. :-)

BTW, my slimer clam is putting on new shell. I guess its just doing it to annoy me. LOL!

And I thought I was the only one.!!!

I have a Crocea who slimes continously. Water is perfect - no corals near it - have four others which do not slime. But this guy sends out a continous, thick slime trail. He is otherwise very healthy (firmly attached) and and has been for a long time (1+ year). Thy clam is mature (6") and the tank also gets DTs twice a week. He is also protected from the water flow (I tried both ways) - I think there are clams which just naturally slime - no matter what.
