Small Agressive tank..Is it possible


New member
Small Aggressive tank...
I have a 38-gallon reef tank. I cleaned it out and I only have a few hermit crabs and snails (1 turbo, the rest are certh. about 6). About 15 to 20 pounds of live rock (Jap and Haitian rock). The tank is over a year old. Can I put a lionfish or a small eel in something this small? Any suggestions on what kind of fish I can but in here??? There is plenty of area to swim and arches to hide. I have never had a Predator tank. Thanks for the insight.

Any size tank can be an aggressive tank. Talk to the guys who have 2" mantis shrimp in 3g tanks. Can't get more aggressive than that. :fun4:

You just have to limit the size of your fish, and only have a few small ones in there. Be very aware of how big your fish will eventually get as adults.

Some ideas (make sure they are of sizes that won't eat each other):

dwarf moray (Gymnothorax melatremus)

harlequin bass (Serranus tigrinus)

fu manchu lionfish (Dendrochirus biocellatus)

some of the smaller hawkfish or wrasses, or larger damsels

Put 2-3 of these in a tank together, and it would be a great looking and interesting aquarium.

Good luck!
stevebydac give some great advice. I would look into getting a dwarf moray and a fu manchu lion. A hawkfish might be cool to add to the mix but there are a bunch of smaller fish you can choose from that would not out grow that tank but are not "aggressive".
what about a 6 inch mantis


I don't really know much about the Mantis shrimp, other than they kick butt. Never herd of a fu manchu lion. I guess I will have to Look it up. Dwarf moray sound cool. Anyone has pics of a smallish Thanks to all for the feedback!!!
So would a Dwarf Lion be out of the question??? Fu man chu lion is intrsting, but I can't seem to find a good picture of it
Hey rwhhunt,

Is that peacock mantis in with your clownfish? No problems?

I've got a 6g sitting here with nothing in it and am awfully tempted to get a small mantis, my first ever. Cool animals.:thumbsup:
Yeah, My 6" peacock and my 4" allardi clown get along great! I've had them together for over 8 months with no incident. I recently added the long tentacle anemone, and the Clown LOVES IT!!!