Small Algae Grazer for 3ft tank


New member
Hey everyone,

What's a good algae grazer for a 3ft tank?? I'm sure any tang would eventually outgrow the 65 g I have. Are there any smaller alternatives?

Yes algae blenny is a good choice! I like the all black one with the yellow tail. If I am not mistaken they are from the Red Sea, or at least the version with the red in his sail. Any algae blenny would work great though. I have one in my 55gal and have never seen him eat fish food but have always seen him with a huge belly so I know he is eating the algae. Plus he leaves lipstick marks on the glass!


What kind of algae? If you want to keep hair inline try a sea hare. They mow it down like a John Deer! Once they clean you out they will accept Nori and occasionally Ulva.

Thanks Ricky and Carl,

I don't have a problem as in any algae being out of control. I have a couple tufts of hair algae here and there. I was just looking for some more movement in the tank as far as fish are concerned. The only fish I have is a chalk basslet.
