small fish thoughts for 29g sps


New member
Hi, I want to add another fish to my 4 month old 29 gallon tank. I only have 1 small percula clown and was wondering what peoples thoughts were for another sps friendly fish.

I was thinking of a six line.

Please give me some options.

royal gramma
i keep 2 percula clown, and a draon faced pipe fish. it was a sea horse tank but i sold them to make it a sps tank. and the pipe is doing fine with the current so i kept him. i tired to put a 2 spot goby in there. ilove them. but my clowns killed him. they have been in there for about a year only with sea horses so they think its their tank. lol
I have a orchid dotty, green clown goby, and I'm adding 2 false perc this weekend. Oh's a 20Long
how about a fully grown naso tang with streamers?

J/K I am a big fan of the fairy wrasses. You need to cover the top however with these guys.
I love 6 line wrasses, I have one and he is really cool, but I am not sure a 29 gallon tank is big enough, they are very active.

Decisions, decisions..... I hadn't considered that the tank would be too small (29gallon) for a small six line. If that's the case I'll remove him from my wish list.

I like clown gobies, however, I'm a little worried with the acros. I don't like fish hanging out on my acros. Onthefly, do you have any problems with your clown and your acros?

Also, I've considered getting another percula. I've had this one for about 2 months now. Do you think this would be a problem?


I like the Royal Gramma idea, would also suggest a Midas Blenny [or other planktivore blenny], the Assessor, maybe some sort of basslet?

Also look into the small gobies. I have some Masked Gobies [not the most amazing color, but a group could easily fit into this size tank IMO].
fire fish tend to hide a lot and you dont get to see them much. The Midas Blenny is supposed to be a hider too. What's the point of having a fish in the tank if you can't ever see them?
I've had two Midas Blennies, and I would not call them hiders at all. Mine is consistently out in the water column, swimming.

As far as a Sunburst Anthias - IMO it's a pretty small tank for one, mine seems to `fill' my 58. Also a very delicate fish, hard to get a healthy one.