Smudges 72x30x26 in wall reef...England

smudges reef

New member
Hi All

My ames Smudge and im from England..Been into marine for about 3years after a 10year spell with tropicals. Got bored due to lack of challenge so made the leap and never looked back

Started with a plug and play nano system.the went for a larger cube And now the 72x30x26 with large sump...Well it was free so why not!:cool:

Over the thread i will put up pics and hopefully you can point me into the right direction of a successful reef tank.

My aim......Reef tank so corals and fish...3(ish) tangs then small fish tofill in the swimming spaces..

Eco system sump set up...Will need a lot of help here as never had a sump before!

So expect lots of questions over the thread as looking at all the lovely tanks on would be greatfully received
Here is a starter pic

Long long way to go and many earlier pics..frompicking up the tank,knocking the wall out mrs going mad etc etc..:lolspin:

The tank is a panoramic 6 sided build but with one of the angled sides hidden...The down side of a tank of this shape is the bracing! theres loads of it!!..meaning out of the 72" in length there is only 2x 24 inch holes to get things into the tank..
I hope this pic shows what i mean
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