snail guard 5000


In Memoriam

I figured it has never happened so I was due for a snail to crawl and put my overflow and flood my tank....figured i would strike first.
ohh...simple egg crate from lowes, and a little 5 minute epoxy...completely removeable unit, easy for cleaning.
that would word, i like overdoing it. I thoung one of my turbos might push it off and crawl in...they like to push crap around my tank
Although a little different, I've basically done the samething. What I did on the sides is add a 2nd layer of eggcrate on the inside of the 1st layer, but offset the squares by half therefore decreasing the opening of each square to half. Before i did this, I caught my cerith snails and one of my cukes ( twice) trying to sneak through. Now nothing gets through anymore.
toutouche, that's a pretty darn good idea, I would imagine getting a cuke stuck in the overflow could create some serious problems....
I caught it twice in the middle of squeezing through the eggcrate before I modified it. Anyone who knows cukes, knows that they can liquify themselves to an extent to squeeze through an opening if they want to. My cuke would squeeze through and the part that had already made it through, would become bigger again..., kinda like when a tree grows through a fence. Imagine how hard it is to push it back through without stressing it out any. I had to gently prod and push it though till it would slowly go back on it's own!!
all my snails are to large to get through a snigle sized hole, but the double up thing is a great idea for things that would squeeze through


Thats tough... I usually use a pair of Dykes (side cutters) but it is rarely a clean cut, it usually explodes and flies everywhere... I've tried scissors, tin snips, etc. I bet if the piece was heated up (like leaving it in the sun for a while) it might be more pliable and not fly everywhere and be a cleaner cut. You could always clean up the cut afterwards carefully with a bench grinder of file. Good luck