Snails, snails and more snails.


New member
Ok, so I made a small order on because my Algae is starting to show back up and my lone turbo can't get it all.

But i ordered 20 dwarf ceriths and got closer to 120 of them. So, assuming 90% of them are not DOA, whoever wants a few is welcome to them.


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Yea john is amazing. He always hooks it up. Usually not that many lol. Wish my tank was set up to get some of those from ya.
I'll probably order from them again in a few weeks. ( I will tomorrow but that's because ALL of my florida ceriths kicked the bucket on the ship over, and i want living ones.) If you want to get in on an order with me we can maybe get an order going and save on shipping? Unless you won't have a tank up for months.
Are you sure those guys are dead. The dwarfs will be in what seems like a hibernation state where they don't move but after they get acclimated in your tank they start moving around.
Yea, they came in last Thursday(the 23rd) and haven't moved yet. The dwarfs, however, have taken a liking to them, so I haven't bothered to dump them yet.
Definitaly give john a call he will refund your money if they were all dead. Yes i would be interested in a order. Probaly wont be for at least a month or so though. Was going to get some chaeto and pods from him.
Yea I shot them an email and let them know I didn't think they made it. The whole bag stuck to high heavens when it showed up so I kinda thought they were dead.

I need to order some cheato from him too, eventually.