

New member
Well, I just noticed something very bad in my SPS and Clam tank...

One of my small maximas had died last night, and there were hermits crawling all over it. Anticipating the worst I pulled the clam out. On the rock where the clam was attached was a well-fed Pyramidellidae snail. I tried to grab it with tweezers but it disappeared into the rock...Unfortuynately I have 3 clams left on that rock (the other two were victims of the snails....including a new ultra crocea from ffexpress...I think that's where the snails came from).

Now, I have a 4 line wrasse. From what I am told they are supposed to eat these snails. What else can I do, aside from manual removal (which goes without speaking)?

Thanks for the advice....

Manual removal is your best option IMO. Just do it at night when the snails are active. I used a piece of rigid airline attached to flexible airline to create a syphon, then use a brine shrimp net to catch the snails as the water passes thru the net. That way you can re-use the water. Between that and the wrasse, hopefully you can beat this thing. Keep an eye out for egg cases (gelatenous masses) within the scutes of the clam as well. Scrape them off immediately, should you find any.
