Snorkeling in the keys?


New member
Hello all,

I was planning on heading down to do some snorkeling soon and I was wondering if any of you had some recommended spots I could get some information on. I will probably be looking to do some snorkeling right off shore on this trip but any info is appreciated.
john pennycamp state park.

lots of fun, cheap, easy access

if you want to spend some more money, they have boats to take you out to the reefs
Looe Key used to be the best dive spot in the continental United States back when I was a kid.
Dive trips leave from Ramrod Key.

Unfortunately, I've read that most of the reefs have been smothered by algae and pollutants over the years.

Speckled Grouper has a house down there and regularly dives.
Ask her where a good spot still is.
So I went down to the Keys for the day and did some snorkeling right off shore near Mile Marker 75 or so.

I saw lots of Gobies in lots of sand caves. A few of them were in pairs. I also managed to find one opening that had a Goby and a Pistol Shrimp paired up which was really nice to see in the wild. The best thing I came across was a large Mantis Shrimp with his big head and big eyes poked out of a hole in the sand.

Picked up 4 blue leg hermits and a 1.5 inch shrimp I've never seen before. Gotta try to get a pic of it posted tomorrow for some help identifying it.