So bummed


New member
The first fish I purchased for my tank was a pair of Frostbite Flurry clowns. There is a one inch hole in my over flow box that the smaller one had gotten sucked into once. I affixed a piece of the plastic egg grate to the inside to try and prevent it. It seemed to work and it hasn't happened for almost two months until today. I feed the fish and returned later. The smaller clown was missing so i looked in the over flow box. No clown and not in the ground. Ended up being in the sock filter and I was again too late to save him.

I'm not having the best of luck with fish in this tank :-[
Ah, that sucks. Unfortunately we sometimes lose the animals we care for. It's always worse when it is one of your first additions. At least it wasn't something related to bad water or some mistake you made. Just an equipment fluke that can happen to anybody.
So, I guess my other clown is looking for/missing her friend. I woke up this morning to find her in the over flow box. Anyone know something I can use to plug the 3/4" hole on the top of the over flow? It's a center box and the previous owner had two returns on it. I'm only using one.
my overflow's holes were cut for the return lines - which I eliminated by going over the back. I fixed it by getting some scrap acrylic - cut it to the shape of the hole - then glued it in with weld-on 16 - weld on 16 seems to work well on whatever material is used to make these overflow boxes.

I also covered my overflows with some of that acrylic sheet you can buy from the hardware stores. Again - cut it to shape and placed it on top of the overflow boxes. It bows like crazy - but it keeps the fish in the display instead of over the overflow.

I also bought some aluminum screen frame and pond netting from Drs Foster and Smith (it's 1/4" openings and extremely thin - so there is no hinderance on the light).
Just use something the fish can't get through. I use the black gutter guard to stop things from going in the overflow.
I covered the hole by gluing a piece of acrylic on the inside of the over flow.

I was able to fish out my clown and thanks to FAOIS I was able to purchase another one and replace it before the wife even realized they were missing.

Luckily they are getting along great and swimming around the tank together already.