So what happened to the zoanthid forum ???

manhorsedog, i understand what your saying. but for some of older reefers it is hard to see this hobby go the way it has been. most of us do not complain about it at all. i understand that the cost of things will go up just like everything else in this world, but the cost of these so called LE polyps is out of this world. i too got alot of what i have/had thru trading. but it is hard to find certain people to trade with that dont just see dollar signs behind all these so called LE polyps. im not saying they are not out there but they are getting harder to find these days.

another thing to consider when there are a million threads day after day about how rare is my zoa or how much is it worth. when in fact none of these zoas are rare or worth anymore then what that person is willing to pay for them. just because something is hard to find were you are does not make it rare or LE. something you may have problems finding were you are could very well be common in other parts of the world or even the

i think that everybody has the right to say what is on there mind and again i think this is a great way to solve things in this hobby and in life. everybody has the right to post pictures of there polyps, but there are certain areas you should post them so everybody can enjoy them in 1 single thread that is stickied. i enjoy seeing pictures of zoas/palys just like everybody else. i would though enjoy seeing more people posting actual info with all these pictures though. like what kind of lights, were they are located in tank, what kind of flow, growth and ETC... this would help people as well as being able to see the results.

lastly... the search button works about 10% of the time. i have always had problems with the search button on this website. there are alot of people who still to this day have problems with it not working.
i knew somebody would say something about that search button comment : P

i understand what your saying, there just need to be balance. If there are picture but no info it would be really easy to ask, i know this happens but it could be more often. We can get the best of both worlds i know its possible.

I also have some really nice polyps and once they grow out to where i would like them i wouldnt mind trading with you or anybody else. raptors rainbow, magicians, ppe things like that and im not to picky as long as i dont have it :)
Didnt mean (or intend) to call you out manhorsedog. After reading my post- it does look like I did- no offence, and your opinion is respected. It was very late when I typed my opinion. Wasnt trying to single you out in any way.

Good news, on a side note- search works much better these days, now that the site switched over.
Oh hey there. Yeah Sir Patrick Is spot on manhorsedog, he was able to communicate it better than I did.

Thanks Sir Patrick.
I'm just gonna admit that I always have to backspace the word "Saint" when typing your username.
So I've decided that henceforth, unless you object, I'm just going to give up and call you Saint Patrick.

GuyGetnBy. A pair of shoes (gorgeous) are to blame for the delay. I didn't want to buy them.
But theY chased me down in a way, holding my brain hostage and MADE me buy them.
I'm certain it was some kind of mind control.
As Chris Rock once said; I just couldn't run away that fast.
....and I think I just responded to you guygetnby...but on the wrong thread.

lol. Sorry, well you know which of your posts I was responding to.
....and I think I just responded to you guygetnby...but on the wrong thread.

lol. Sorry, well you know which of your posts I was responding to.

its all good, i understand how them shoes can play mind games on you. they must be some super crazy shoes to stop you from getting a new tank though...:spin2:
Mucho, thanks for being a true Mod and voicing your feeling, not just monitoring the boards for people acting like idiots (although we certainly need that lately). I've been relatively quiet in this forum because, quite frankly, I'm a bit intimidated. I'm not new to the hobbie, I'm not inexperienced, and I do have a fair amount of knowledge to share. Every time I've checked out the threads in here, there has been some bashing of people asking simple questions (like we weren't all new at one time), too many "ID This" threads (instead of going onto Zoaid - part of the fun of finding a new morph is the research), all the "How much would you/did you/could you pay for these" threads, and generally, a handful of members pretty much dominating the forum with their opinions. Yes, I said their opinions, not fact, proof, or scientific knowledge. If this is enough to turn me away, I'm sure we've lost hundreds of possible productive Zoa enthusiats in here. Rant over. Here's a little about me:

1. How old is your tank?1 year since upgrade

2. What size is it?45 gallon (36x12x24)

3. Deep or shallow sand bed?4"

4. Do you have any reefing goals?Propagate Enough Coral to be able to trade aquacultured corals for the rest of my time in the hobby without buying any more!

5. What are your feelings on running a fug vs not? I would love to listen and learn from your experiences.Fuge if you don't have a super effiecient skimmer and DSB

6. What are you doing to make your polyps thrive etc? I want to know, we can all learn from the smallest detail. Tap Water, seriously. And not too much fussiness about water quality, params, etc. I also believe in chemical filtration (Carbon and GFO), and a minimal amount of wattage and equipment. See my signature.

7. Type of salt you use?Instant Ocean

8. How do you mainatin your parameters?I dose 2 part and do small water changes when the mood catches me!
i like how you put that stan, can i ask you how often you test your system? I have noticed over the past year or so i really dont test my polyp tank any longer. I would but doing water changes seems to be enough. Although i do not use tap water like you, can you explain a little better for your reasoning behind this seeing as you have sps in the tank also?

1. How old is your tank? 90G - 7yrs, 15g - 3 weeks, 12G - 2 mos, 3G - 2 weeks

2. What size is it? See above :p

3. Deep or shallow sand bed? All shallow

4. Do you have any reefing goals? Where to begin!

5. What are your feelings on running a fug vs not? I would love to listen and learn from your experiences. I NEED the fuge, if not just for something else to look at and obsess over

6. What are you doing to make your polyps thrive etc? I want to know, we can all learn from the smallest detail. Nothing, I leave em alone, cept for fragging.

7. Type of salt you use? Seachem

8. How do you maintain your parameters? Water Changes, I care more that they are stable then dead on to any specific number

9. Have you introduced yourself in the link below whether you're a newbie or just new to this forum? Notta
This would be the "I'm tired of looking at the word hornet" bump.
Next time I see the words "rare", "hornet, yellow jacket, or anything that sounds like bees...I'm taking a hostage.

Reason why I left frequenting this forum is that it gets so personal. People respond to things that they should just click out of. Personally I have found other sites that dont have the ignorance. Also, too many people that know it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you know what I mean. No room for new styles or new ideas here is what I have found. Only one way to do everything. New people are attacked just because they ask a good question that has been answered alot already. Just a few reasons why I dont frequent this as much as I used to. It is sad for sure. Used to get all kinds of great help here and when I started it taught me alot.

Oh my experience in they hobby
5 years(and learning)
120 gallon display
40 gallon sump
Mag-12 return pume
Nova Extreme Pro T-5's 6 bulb fixture
4 foot 120 tank
contents, Fish, zoanthids, palys, sps, clams, inverts.
Pondy- I have no idea what you mean. I havnt really seen this around here.

Would like to see what you mean. Got any links? I am just curious. Some links would help me out. Have been away for a good part of summer....
SIR PATRICK, Ill see if I can find some for you if you have been gone. You are lucky if you missed all the hoopla that was going on here.
Also, too many people that know it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you know what I mean.

I really don't know what you mean, could you explain?

Many, yes many of the most knowledgable and experienced collector have left this forum because of posts like this. This is an internet forum and you should take what anyone says with a pinch of salt, everything written should be read as an opinion and nothing more. All these so called 'know it all's' are trying to do is educate and help based on their experience. I rarely see any malice indended but as SP mentioned, if you have links, please share.

I wonder what most people use this forum for anyways? It seems most are more worried about the lineage or rarity of their new polyps that what makes them thrive...
Pondy, i agree with a few things you have said in your post like people being attacked for asking questions that have been answered a million times. but the rest of your post i just can not agree with. every single internet forum has ignorant people... this is the simple world we live in, it is also the simple world we live in that makes so many people think they know everything. i also have not seen people on her who have been bashed for coming up with something new or an idea that could help this hobby grow and be something better??? if anything i see people wanting to try these new things with that person. as with the others in this thread i would like to see what your talking about here so i can see exactly what your talking about as i may have looked some things over myself.

now of course there are always going to be the bad apples in the world and this site is no different. i have been on sites thru the years that are sooooo much worse then this site. but my biggest thing is there are no new ideas about how to keep this hobby growing with new ideas any more. all i really see these days is ID this or people asking how much they can sell a polyp for and do i even have to discuss the simple LE ultra rare super dooper special things people are calling these polyps to simply market them and make the people who dont know any better pay stupidly insane prices for something that just a few days earlier was nothing more then a common polyp or morph. i understand this is happening all over the reefing world and not just zoanthids. i understand that there are people all over the world doing this to all sorts of things like cars and such. but that does not mean i have to like it at all and that is my god given right. it is my right to speak my mind on this forum just like it is yours. this my friend is not being ignorant at all. this is simply being human and when you get this many people from all around the world on one single site talking about the same things this knid of stuff will happen.

i hope all goes well and i hope you continue to post on this site.
Ok so I have been busy at work and I looked through the posts and threads that either upset me or I thought attacked me or a friend and it really wasnt an attack it was more on cost of polyps and a new person on the forum with post #1 being about a price on a polyp. So I took it wrong and That is my bad. I guess that I just got sick of people saying "what some one will pay" and smartalik answers like that. It was more or less annoying and upsetting to me and a few of my buddies that were local and so everytime these answers were given I just really annoyied( how ever you spell it.) Any ways it rubbed me wrong and it probably still would. I just would hope that if the people that are posting "Here it goes again" type of posts to just not post. It would be nice. Obviously those peopel have been around the forum and know it is annoying. Any way My bad on thinking if was attacking. Sorryguys I do see your point on prices. I do wish they were cheaper but, where would the market be. I think it makes it a bit more fun. A huge Thank you to the moderators for creating an ID forum
^ Now I see what you were talking about.

Dont take offence to alot of it. No offence is meant for sure. There are some "old" reefers that use these types of topics to spread the word on how things used to be before polyps were marketed so hard, and there are many of these on the forum.

I see how they can be conceived as offensive easily, but the true intension is to share some info and possibly make a difference- not to be offensive.

Pondy- If you have an issue/problem with your zoas, dont let this get in the way and cause you to hesitate to post up. Other than the issue you posted about, there is alot of other very usefull help/info to be found on the forums.
Yeah I I know you all have helped a ton. Just discouraging when Someone posts something and all you get is the same old same old. I came back to this forum because it is a great source. I try not to comment on something if it isnt going to help. Now I have participated in some discusions dont get me wrong, but I really have only Private messaged people on here that I know have experienced alot and resolved alot of things. That way I wouldnt get treated like I didnt know anything. I usually send pm's to the people that do get the same old answers also. I do see where you all are coming from though it is a great place and a few bad experiences can make a bad impression. Thanks for your alls input.
I read this post last week and see it's till on the first thread page so I'll bump it.

1. How old is your tank? 60g - a few months, 20g a year

2. What size is it? above

3. Deep or shallow sand bed? 1-2"

4. Do you have any reefing goals? I'd like to have a diverse and beautiful tank and have such awesome growth that I can give back to the reefing community that helped me so much.

5. What are your feelings on running a fug vs not? I would love to listen and learn from your experiences. I will be setting one up sometime this month if everything goes as planned. I would like to have an additional means of nutrient export as well as the additional volume of water.

6. What are you doing to make your polyps thrive etc? I want to know, we can all learn from the smallest detail. I have no idea. I bought a bunch of polyps a few months ago and put the frags in different areas of my tank as far as height, flow, etc. The ones that have taken over and are spreading like wildfire are low and under an acrylic brace with low flow. The ones in direct light ( 4 x 54w t5 HO) either high or low and in high or low flwo look nice, open wide, but do not spread.

7. Type of salt you use? red sea coral pro. Was using coralife scientific grade.

8. How do you mainatin your parameters? I do small partial water changes. I was doing only 3 gallons per week as the corals looked fine however I bought a few sps and tested my levels. By doing such small changes I allowed my alk to drop to around 5. I have been upping my water changes to 5g per week and dosing alk. When I get my alk back up I think regular water changes should maintain the proper levels as long as I stay on top of them.

9. Have you introduced yourself in the link below whether you're a newbie or just new to this forum? Nope, been here awhile but mostly read.

My 60g is a tank that sounds new but isn't so new. I had a 20g reef in my classroom that I brought home for the summer. I also bought a 46g bow from a guy with 100+ lbs of rock and 3" SB with a couple of fish and hermits. I combined the two tanks for my 60g. His tank was not a reef, just FOWLR. I should have checked his parameters because when I made the switch I used the water from both tanks. I don't know what his husbandry was, but I know the tank was rough when I bought it. I was in such a rush to put the new 60g together I didn't even bother with common sense. My zoas, sinularia, blastos, acans, and other assorted lps have shown no signs that the low alk is poor for their health, but the sps do not have good polyp extension or on some no polyp extension. Enough about them, this is a zoa thread.

I'll discuss my zoas in my 20 first as I had it a year. I used only coralife scientific grade salt, had a coralife super skimmer 65, 130w PC fixture. I did a 2g WC every week. I had several zoas placed near the top and near the bottom. Some may have multiplied but after a year of growth none spread to the rock they were resting on only covered a little mroe on the plug they came on. I had roughly 40 lbs of LR in the tank as well as 20 lbs of LS. I almost never fed the damsels as there were more pods than they could consume. I sometimes think the lack of food may have lead to the zoas not spreading.

On to my 60g. It's an acrylic tank with a 2-3" lip allthe way around it with a 3" center brace. I have zoas at all levels and under the acrylic as well as exposed to direct light. I bought a bunch of frags all at one time and placed them around the tank. High and in direct light and high flow. In the several months they have been there I have not noticed a single new polyp. High and low under the brace with low flow the polyps have taken off. I would guess teh tank has been together for 4-5 months. The polyps that were high went from 5 to 20 in that time. The ones that were low went from around 15 to 'who knows they're taking the whole rock over'. I also placed some under direct light in medium flow near the bottom and noticed no growth.

At a swap 2 weeks ago I picked up two more frags of zoas. One is a frag of AOG. The other I have no idea but is a nice solid yellow with the longest skirts I have ever seen. The yellows I was told to put high and in medium flow so I did. The AOG I placed low in medium flow and right around where the lip around the top would end so they may get some direct light. In a few weeks I should be able to see if this placement works.

One last thing, I had a rock about the size of my fist covered in coco (bright pink) polyps. I placed it mid level under direct light and they lost almost all color very shortly. I placed them at the bottom under the brace but have not seen them color back up.

Sorry if it's hard to follow, I'll try to get some pics up so you can follow my typing with a visual.