So who is carbon dosing? Pellets, Vodka, Vinegar, or Vitamin C


Hey guys, just curious to see who is carbon dosing, what they are dosing, and how much? Also please list your tank size and filtration. I have read pros and cons about the several forms of carbon dosing but i want to see and hear everyones experiences. Thanks
Hey guys, just curious to see who is carbon dosing, what they are dosing, and how much? Also please list your tank size and filtration. I have read pros and cons about the several forms of carbon dosing but i want to see and hear everyones experiences. Thanks

This topic has been discussed for years. Some like it and some don't. I swear by it. I've dosed for seven years now and followed the dosing on the link below. I did initially go through a bit of cyno but it went away after a few weeks. I noticed a big difference about two weeks into the schedule. I went up as high as 15 ml and now dose daily 12ml. Don't know if you have read these but here are two links. Oh, I have a 120 mixed reef with a small refugium and berlin style sump. You can also search RC for vodka or vinegar and you'll get many threads.
Dosing 60-70ml vinegar daily in 260 gallons volume. Also running about 2 cups of biopellets in bluefin reactor. I do have lil cyano, but only in the refugium. Been about 5 months. Not sure if either are working. Nitrates stuck at 5ppm.

***I will add that I recently added 1 more cup of pellets to make 2 total and new pump, pushing about 800 GPH now in the reactor. Could be just what the tank wanted. Time will tell.
Was dosing 2mL Vinegar into 30 gallons. I probably could have gone higher, but things were looking real good. I decided to overcomplicate things, so I added Vodka at a comparable dose, and immediately got cyano. I cut the dose in half and am slowly ramping back up. The cyano is still there but almost nonexistent. My nitrates were stuck in the 20+ range, and after about a month, slowly came down to the 5 range. Now they are hovering at just barely there. I know if I increase the dose I can push them down further, but like I said, things look good so I'm happy where its at. I still run a little GFO to keep the phosphates down. I'm trying to ween off of it but so far, I still need a little.
I dose vinegar, started with bio pellets but they stripped NO3 too rapidly and didn't help with P04.
I have dosed it manually daily, now I mix a small amount in with my kalk top off resevior
vodka 2 ml for 60 gal 1 ml for 30 noth under 10ppm all the time doing it for 2 months now gonna be firing up bio pellets on the 60 soon but might go back old school and fire the denitrator again ??? its a hobby a toy