I received the model A Oxydator the other day for my FOWLR aquarium. Per the instructions for 100 gallon aquarium I used 12% H2O2 and 1 catalyst. After installing it on my aquarium I noticed a few hours later my pair of Bicolor Angels, Multicolor Angel and Flame Angel were acting weird. They were breathing hard and swimming up and down the front of the aquarium. I immediately removed the Oxydator from the aquarium. The 4 fish effected would not eat for 2 days. All of the other 10 fish were doing fine. Finally after 3 days the 4 Angels started acting normal again and eating. I wanted to post this to caution using this device with these type of Angelfish ( Centropyge). It has been well documented that this species are very sensitive to changes in water parameters and obviously did not like what the Oxydator was doing. For example they don't tolerate copper very well. Hope this helps prevent anyone else from experiencing this reaction.