Some Chaeto info for those with problems growing it...


New member
While I'm by no means a scientific type of person, I'd just thought I'd share what I've discovered about my system, and my dying Chaeto.

2 weeks ago I was having trouble with Chaeto being covered with Cyano, and becoming brittle. I removed all of it, with some little fragments of chaeto still in the fuge. The Cyano continued to grow, so I went the total darkness routine, and added Sea-Chem Purigen and Chemi-Pure to help try to get rid of the Cyano.

Well, to my surprise, those little fragments in the tank after going total darkness and the 2 "purification" (If thats what you want to call them) filter inserts, those tiny chinks of Chaeto have begun to grow again, I now have about 2 golf ball size chunks growing again, along with one about the size of a baseball, and the Chaeto is stringing towards the top.

I don't know if I'm onto somthing or not, but just somthing that worked for me.