Some click to my reef…












+1 on the photography
Current Carmera/lens set up? and what post processing is used?

Could you please give a little more details on your feeding regime. You posted the following:
Daily: Korallen-Zucht Amino Acid LPS, Coral Vitalizer
Daily: 100 ml of living Phytoplancton (50 ml Nannochloropsis "“ 50 ml Tetraselmis)

Weekly: Elos SVC or a phial of Prodibio Reef Booster or NutraPlus Complete Feed; Energy FD Cyclops, Kent Zooplex and PhytoPlex
(Artemia and Rotiferi)

Also on aquarium:
How long have you had your Azoox corals? Gorgonians, etc.
How often are you doing water changes on your 300L aquarium? and percent of water changed?



Thanks everybody! :lolspin::wave:

@ Aquabacs, the SPS have been all removed, as most of the soft corals; nevertheless the tank will remain a mixture of LPS and gorgoniacei of various species"¦

Every day I feed the corals when lights are off with Korallen-Zucht Amino Acid LPS, Coral Vitalizer and 100 ml of living Phytoplancton (50 ml Nannochloropsis "“ 50 ml Tetraselmis). While once a week I give them either Elos SVC or a phial of Prodibio Reef Booster or NutraPlus Complete Feed; Energy FD Cyclops, Kent Zooplex and PhytoPlex. When I can I feed them with live food (Artemia and Rotiferi).
Amazing mixed reef tank, and beautiful photography Luca! I keep a mixed reef myself, and enjoyed seeing your mix of both photo/non-photo corals seeming to thrive in the same aquarium together.

+1 on how long have you had your Azoox corals? Gorgonians, ect. You said you started your reef tank 8+ months ago.

What are you doing for nutrient export?

How are you keeping those non-photosynthetic gorgonians in direct light at the top of your tank without algae issues since you are catering to both photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic corals?

Keep doing what you're doing cause the tank looks great!
Thank you for your words! ;)

On the photography: the digital camera is a Canon EOS 40D, depending on the pictures I use different lenses and I change them frequently. As post processing I use either Corel Draw, Photoshops, etc. depending on what I prefer to use in that specific moment.
On feeding: what I wrote is what I do. Regarding the quantities I just follow the indications of each firm for the specific product.
On aquarium: some of the Azoox corals are there since the beginning (8 months ago) others arrived the following months and two Cy"¦.. two weeks ago.
As concerns the water I change monthly the 20% of the total quantity (I started by changing it once a week, then I reduced to once every 15 days, but the animals seemed not to like this, so I reduced again, my animals are happier and I with them!).
For the algae: Luckily I don't have any problem for the moment, maybe because I just give them 10 hours of T5 light and only 7 hours of HQI light"¦
Looks like Menella sp. Same genus as the red and yellow one in the center, although I've never seen a Menella with such pure red tissue so maybe it's something else...
This tank is great really....
One of the best I have seen.

What food do you give to those NPS and LPS?
Do you use calcium reactor or balling? What trace elements do you take to the watter?

He described his feeding here:

Every day I feed the corals when lights are off with Korallen-Zucht Amino Acid LPS, Coral Vitalizer and 100 ml of living Phytoplancton (50 ml Nannochloropsis "“ 50 ml Tetraselmis). While once a week I give them either Elos SVC or a phial of Prodibio Reef Booster or NutraPlus Complete Feed; Energy FD Cyclops, Kent Zooplex and PhytoPlex. When I can I feed them with live food (Artemia and Rotiferi).
Thanks everybody for the compliments!
@ Western_reefer, as far as I know the purple gorgonia should be a Euplexaura...

Thanks everybody for the compliments!
@ Western_reefer, as far as I know the purple gorgonia should be a Euplexaura...


Hi luca,
Do you use calcium reactor or balling? What trace elements do you take to the watter?
And how much water do you change every week?

Congratulations for this tank. Is really great.
How the Blue powder tang is going? Is it aggressive?

Thanks :fun4:
no I don't use any calcium reactor, I just add it when needed.
As trace elements I use the Tropic Marin Pro-Coral Mineral (once a week following the indication of the producer).
I had already written about water changes but I repeat it: I change monthly the 20% of the total quantity.
My Acanthurus Leucosternon is too much aggressive and I am thinking about getting rid of it. Though it is a little one compared to the others, it is disturbing every fish in the tank.
Is that a colony of dendros or sun coral? Normally I would assume sun coral but the polyps look big in the picture.
Is that a colony of dendros or sun coral? Normally I would assume sun coral but the polyps look big in the picture.

I didn't exactly understand to what you are referring to, but if you mean the one you see on the left bottom side it is a Tubastrea Faulkneri.

"Mixed reefs are terrible; they just make it so nothing thrives."

I don't agree....while it is impossible to keep "everything under the sun" in one tank you can keep photosynthetic and non photosynthetic corals together in one tank, and have them thrive. I'm not saying every type of NPC, but you can find a happy medium with both types of corals if you keep your water parameters in check. And if you pay attention to the feeding needs of the NPC in the system. What type of tank are you keeping NeveroddoreveN?