some corals for sale...


In Memoriam
trying to get rid of some of my softies/lps to make room for sps! I've bit the sps bug bigtime!

100$ brown base green polyp poccillipora from eric (sorry, it's just tooo big. I'm going to keep a piece for myself)

$50 Don't know what it is, purple and blue. opens at night with feeder tentacles.


$75 florida sea mat. if nobody buys this, I will frag it up for the fragswap. yellow polyps are connected.

$10 brown zoos. Used to have green centers i believe, but they floated into the dark and i just found them after about a month. hopefully they'll color back up.

$150 huge rock of green zoas/palys. probably a good 300,400,500. i don't know, but theres a lot!!!

bottom left corner.

also have smaller frags that i could sell cheaper.
$30 goniopora. I've had this for about 1.5 years. everyone is suprised it's still alive, but It's never even had a "bad" day.

$20 green zoas

$30/polyp PPE's

full tank pics.


I've got many other frags and willing to make frags depending on the size of my corals.
p.s. the 2nd to last pic...see how theres a rock in front of the huge green zoa rock...that's the one i've been saving for you. sorry I had to run the other day when you guys finally made it over here, but I had to pick up my cousins from school. let me know next time ur up here. 954 547 9878
Pocillapora looks nice. It's really hard to see the colors though in that first pic, but the FTS pics bring out more colors. You're having the same problem that I had with it though. It's just so freakin big. Oh well, it'll make someone happy....

Oh, next time I hit your place, or you guys come over again, I gotta get a frag of that pink Stylophora Pistilatta :)
i haven't fragged it yet and actually i've only had it for like 2 weeks now. I LOVE it though! and yea we'll work out a trade! lol
chinoxl...i've actually got plating and branching hydno in my frag thanks, but no thanks. and cfmx pm returned.

on the note of the see that whole bare spot where theres no rock up high...the rbta used to take up that whole area...i mean it was about 12" dia plus 4-5" for the tentacles. it finally just split and half went there and the other half went down into the rock and who knows...thanks for the compliment though!
Interested in the Goniopora, but I think it may be to large for my tank. do you have any smaller pieces of this?
bump...any offers? i need this stuff outa my main tank to make room for some sps. I'll give it till the weekend before I either frag as much as I can, or trade it to stores.
bump...i need to sell these cuz i need to move corals outa my frag tank and make more frags for the swap...make me offers! willing to trade too. esspecially for a set of vho's!!!
bump...last offer before everything either gets fragged up or taken to a store for chance i'll be fragging that poccilipora though as it's beauty lies in it's size! pm any offers.