Some Equipment/Frags/Live Rock for sale/frag trades


New member
So I'm moving down from a 55gal to a 28gal nano and have a lot of things that if anyone wants I'll practically give away (but frags are currency to me also). The best way to say whats "for sale" is just by reading out what I have because it's all gotta go. Just message me if you need a further description of any item. so here's the list:
  • The Aquarium itself, filtation, and plumping
    Its a 55gal long that has maybe a foot long sump and overflow actually built into the aquarium. I have a simple drip auto top off and tunze DOC skimmer in the sump with a pump circulating the water to a sea swirl on the opposing side of the tank. I also have a wooden black canopy and stand
  • Lights
    I have two 150 watt metal halide lights both connected to one ballast and two LED night lights.
  • Fish
    The only fish that needs a home is a decent sized pink spot goby. He used to live with a tiger pistol until it died. Now he just roams around, but he's never been a trouble with any other fish as long as he's fed
  • Corals
    I have lots and lots of Xenia, Mushrooms, and Green star polpys I would be glad for someone to take, but other than that theres a huge montipora and a big Galexia that could both be fragged.
  • Live Rock
    I've got about 30 pounds of live rock I'm not going to need and most of it will be covered with various random polyps and zoos
Please send me a message if you want any of this.
I'm interested in mushrooms, galaxea, and montipora. Message me if they are still available. I'm new to the hobby and trying to build my collection.
some big pictures
so here's the aquarium as a whole

heres the lights, and notice the plumping behind them

overflow into side-sump with skimmer

sump from the side (sorry, not a good picture)

the sea swirl at the end of the pipes coming from the sump

auto top off bucket (connected to sump)

this little guy really needs a home because my new aquarium might be too small for his tastes
lots of xenia

lots of hairy mushrooms of various greens (the ones in this picture look alike, but some are lighter in color)
i really can't remember the name of this, but its an lps of some kind me thinks

so yeah, if you want any of this, let me know
the only corals for sale are the mushroom and xenia, and maybe some of the monti, but the rest is going into my new tank
but for xenia and mushroom, just name your price and ill sell them, because its really more of a matter of me getting rid of them than trying to make any money
but i'm really trying to get rid of live rock and equipment, so please let me know if you need some of it