some ideas

Brandon's Reef

New member
I have a full blown SPS tank 54 corner bow front It is very sparsy populated at the moment with only green chromis and I wanted to put maybe some speciallized sps safe wrasses or some thing maybe like a sixline wrasse. I would love to get some more fish Ideas.
I have had atleast 3 different sixlines over the last 10 years, and they have all been pretty mean. I would reccomend some type of fairy wrasse. There are many species available, and they tend to be much less aggressive.
Some kind of shrimp goby (aka watchman) would be good in a tank your size. You could also get a shrimp for him to co-habitate with. Bi-color blennies are another great little fish that are very fun to watch, and have a ton of personality. A neon or gold-line goby would be a useful addition as well.
Good luck