Some new pics...


Zanza Zanza Zanzibar
Still trying to figure out this POS camera. Not all SPS, but close enough.

Montipora Altasepta

Green Cyphastrea sp.

Acropora Efflorescens

Tyree True LE Montipora Undata

Tyree War Coral Favites Pentagona

Duncanopsammia Axifuga
Green Polyp Astreopora sp.

Purple & Green Cyphastrea sp.

Close up

Acropora Robusta w. crazy Acropora sp. in background

Hairy Bottlebrush Acropora sp.

Acropora sp. 'Tort'

Rainbow Cyphastrea sp.

Brown Cyphastrea sp.

Lastly, a top down of the left side of the tank, showing the dropoff

Fonda, i don't see it on their site. I see deepwater Balanophyllia/Rhizotrochus, but no Duncanopsammia. These are basically a branching pagoda. Fully photosynthetic. Just really rare since they come from Australia. Took me 2 years to track down this frag.

No prob, it was nice to see the Gem in focus for once :) I think phishy had some a few months ago, but were like $180/polyp.

It's got a long ways to go before fragging. I just fed it a tasty mysis & cyclopeeze mix this morning, and each mouth had its fill. Looks like Dendrophyllias when they eat, really awesome. Hopefully with regular feedings they will grow fast.

Yes they are pricey. Out of my range. That Gem of the sea is $199. And the first one is $299. Keep feeding those babies, I'm sure they will grow fast.
Hey Joe, looks liek your still hunting down the coolest corals. I need to come visit so I can take some better pictures for you!:D j/k
crazy props on the duncanopsammia frag, it looks really fat and happy.
Jake, you better hurry, or you'll have to add 250 miles onto your trip :) How is the Cyph i gave you doing? Or did Teresa take it? Someone needs to grow it out and get me a piece ASAP :lol:

Kris, I might have to entice you with some stuff for your frag too. I might never have enough of this coral :D

Dean, i'm moving in a few weeks, i'll pm you, cos i might get rid of the whole colony. Some days i love it, and others, eh...

whats an extra 250 miles on top of a 2000 mile trip? either way, I hope your corals weather the trip well. Teresa got the Cyphastrea frag, its growing pretty well and the Fungia paumotensis I got from you is super sweet too. What ya movin for?
I got that Duncan also.I got one small frag of it,now there are about 6 polyps now around the main one.It looks like it's will be a hard coral to frag as of now?I remember in the Veron book of corals had one,but this one had branching type.Which could be a different type of Duncan.But this guy is very dense yet,it was fragged some how?So only time will tell.Keep feeding it,and polyps will pop out around it's lower base.They say it's a close to the Elegance coral,they do look kinda of close.Mine also came from Phishy....a different type of coral for sure.