Some New Pictures

Travis L. Stevens

New member
I'm pretty proud of these, but they aren't the quality that I would like. All pictures are with standard FujiFilm FinePix S5100 4 megapixel camera. Most pictures are cropped for an added zoom effect.

Toadstool Macro of Polyps

Superman Rhodactis

Orange and Teal Ricordea floridas

Purple Star Polyps

Lori's Pinks

Feather Dusters
Travis - shooting at that ISO is really hurting you. Even so, those can be helped substantially by a little cleanup in PS.


Thanks for the cleanup Beerguy. I was trying to avoid cleaning at the moment until I can get the best of my camera and hone my skills. FWIW, I tried shooting at the lowest ISO, 64, that my camera has while adjusting the Shutter Speed and Aperture in order to get a balanced exposure, and I still see some graininess. On the other hand, it was a noticable difference. BTW, what steps did you take to clean up those pictures? Did you blue it all to smooth out the grains and then sharpen the image?
I used "noise ninja" for the color noise, a levels layer to adjust the contrast, the spot healing brush for the bubbles and then sharpened.